[SOLVED!] Why Does My Throat Hurt When I Sing?


Are you fond of singing, but can’t sing enough because your throat hurts? You’ve come to the right place, and you’ve found the right resource that can help you solve your problem. This article answers one of the frequently asked questions from amateur singers, “why does my throat hurt when I sing?”.

Some people are just born singers. While others can sing well at a young age, it’s still very important to learn the fundamentals of vocalization. Or, you’ll end up getting throat irritation when you sing.

Why the Throat Hurts?

If you want to sing, especially high notes, you might experience throat tightness that may result in a sore throat.

As a quick backgrounder, your voice comes from the vocal cords, also known as vocal folds located in your larynx. As you sing, your vocal cords may be subjected to tension, including air pressure to be able to produce sound. Since your vocal cords are located in your throat, if you strain your throat, it’ll squeeze your vocal cords. If you aren’t careful enough, you’ll force your throat to hit higher notes – something that can easily be achieved by letting the vocal cords do their jobs.

Another explanation why your throat hurts is incorrect breathing before and while singing. You’ll push the air out as you sing. If you don’t have enough breath support, then you’ll surely be out of breath while singing. In this case, your body will automatically use other related muscles to support the voice, hence, getting reinforcement from tightening up your throat.

Ways to Prevent Sore Throat from Singing

There may be a lot of reasons why you can feel your throat hurts. You just have to know what causes it and start from there. You must keep your throat healthy, that’s the one thing you should always keep in mind. Here’s a good YouTube video to start the discussions.

Preparations to Keep Your Throat Healthy

Keeping your throat healthy is a lifestyle. You should be mindful not to put your vocal cords under stress so you can sing beautifully.

Breath Support

If you really want to be a great singer, aside from finding your singing voice, you should have great breath support. Especially if you need to sing out loud and long, you must have proper breath support. During practice, you should know the right amount of air you need for each phrase that you will sing. When you’re singing, try to slowly release the air and don’t let it escape at once. If you do, your body will again look for muscles that can support your voice – straining your throat.

Drink Water

As needed, even if you are not singing, you should keep yourself hydrated with room temperature water. Your throat must be kept wet and moist, so it can function smoothly. Don’t wait until you start coughing because it’ll be more detrimental to your vocal cords.

Avoid Yelling, Screaming, Nor Whispering

When you scream, you’re putting your vocal cords too much stress. If you’re yelling, you’re like scratching your vocal cords, it’ll easily be irritated. On the other hand, avoid whispering, too. Especially if you already have laryngitis, you’ll just strain your vocal cords when you whisper. Just talk slowly and lightly using your normal speaking voice.

Be Watchful of Changing Temperatures

Extreme temperature changes can also be a factor that may trigger sore throat. Just make sure you are always hydrated to keep your throat moist.

Sleep with a Humidifier

Professional singers have humidifiers when they sleep. The steam from the humidifier enters into your nose and then into your throat, keeping it moist. For those who are sleeping with the mouth open, this is highly recommended. In this way, your vocal cords are in perfect condition as you sing.

Preparations Before You Sing

It’s not enough that you do the above-mentioned tips. There are also things that you must do and avoid each time you are preparing for a performance.

Never Drink Iced-Cold Beverages

Don’t drink soda, juices, and other iced-cold beverages four hours before you sing. Cold drinks restrict your vocal cords. Hence, it’ll not be easy to produce the right sound you want.

Avoid Coffee, Sweets, and Alcohol

These substances can make your vocal cords dry. Likewise, don’t drink and eat sweets, especially on the day of your performance.


This is very important – to prepare yourself and your throat for the battle. Do some exercise and don’t be afraid if you’ll make noise as you are warming up. Sigh on descending note and yawn to release the tension build-up. Always do a quick exercise before you grab the mic and sing. Ten to 15 minutes is excellent to completely warm-up.

While You Are Singing

To ensure that you are doing it right, ensure to sing within your vocal range only. If you start to feel uncomfortable, you are doing it all wrong.

Sing Within Your Vocal Range

Singing doesn’t hurt. If it will, you’re not doing the right thing, or you are going beyond your vocal range. If you’re starting to feel tightness in your throat, you are not singing the right way. All notes should flow freely and comfortably.

Don’t Sing from Your Throat

Sing from your diaphragm. Don’t strain your vocal cords, your powerful voice is your breath which originates from your diaphragm. The role of your vocal cords is just to relax and let it flow.


Singing should be fun, not painful. Sing from your core and not from your throat. Keep your vocal cords healthy by drinking the right amount of room temperature water and singing properly. Avoid drinking coffee, sweets, and other beverages that can dry your vocal cords. If it really hurts, don’t sing or it’ll get worst.

Since you’re now at the end of this article, you have already learned the reasons why your throat hurts and the ways to avoid it. With all the information in this article, there’s no way you will still ask, “why does my throat hurt when I sing?”.